COmpeting and COmplementary MObility solutions in urban contexts (COCOMO)

Study Area I

Malmö, Sweden

The city of Malmö is the third-largest city in Sweden, home to about 350,000 inhabitants. The central-northern part (city center) has the highest population concentration, while smaller urban agglomerations exist in the southwest and eastern parts. The public transportation network follows a similar configuration and is concentrated in areas with higher population density.

The cycling infrastructure includes a bike path network with 520 km of completely separated (from motor vehicle traffic) bike paths and prioritized bike paths shared with other road users. In 2016, Malmöbybike (the Malmö station-based bike-sharing system) started operating with 50 stations in the central areas of the city; in 2019, the network expanded to a total of 100 stations. On the other side, a free-floating bike-sharing service is offered by Donkey Republic. The recent travel survey conducted in 2018 indicates that the modal share of cycling and public transport in Malmö are, respectively, 25.5% and 25.4%.

In 2021, there were 45,000 shared e-scooters available in Sweden, giving it the highest density of scooters per person of any country in Europe. Lime, Tier, and VOI have e-scooters all over Malmö (6,500 in total). The municipality has constructed several e-scooter parking zones where it is recommended to park the vehicles, which are also marked as parking zones in the provider apps.